This Is Your Life

This Is Your Life

Planning a party? Make it special by telling a life story

I will interview the “victim’s” friends and family to collect the best bones of the person’s life story to create a memorable and heart-warming celebration.

I will compose and choreograph a presentation; which can include music, photos and videos. The surprise element is an all important part, so it’s all kept under wraps until the right moment! On the day I will arrive at the party and surprise your guest with this wonderful presentation.

Happily Ever After - This Is Your Life


After we have an informal chat on the phone, we will arrange a time and place to meet.

During this meeting, I will fill out a questionnaire to make sure that I have all the details I need to create the perfect ceremony that you require. Once the ceremony is crafted, I will send you a copy for editing. I will make any changes that you would like and then send you the final draft.

On the day, I will arrive early and make sure everything is set up ready to go. I will welcome guests and deliver the ceremony with humour and sincerity

This Is Your Life